a.q khan school fee structure

Dr. A.Q. Khan School System Fee Structure

A Comprehensive Guide to the Capital Campus Fee Structure

Welcome to the Dr. A.Q. Khan School System! We are dedicated to providing quality education and a nurturing environment for your child’s growth. Below is the detailed fee structure for our Capital Campus, designed to cater to the diverse educational needs of our students.

1. Admission Fees

  • New Admissions: A one-time fee to secure your child’s place in our school.
  • Re-admission Fees: For students returning after a gap in enrollment.

2. Tuition Fees

  • Monthly Tuition Fees: Charges for the regular educational sessions, covering all academic courses.
  • Sibling Discounts: We offer discounts for families enrolling multiple children.

3. Activity & Sports Fees

  • Extracurricular Activities: A fee to support various after-school programs, including arts, sports, and clubs.
  • Sports Facilities Fee: Covers the use of our state-of-the-art sports infrastructure.

4. Transport Fees

  • School Bus Service: Charges for students availing of the school transport service.

5. Examination Fees

  • Annual Examination Fee: Covers the cost of conducting internal and board examinations.

6. Uniform and Stationery

  • Uniforms: Standardized school uniform charges (available at the school store).
  • Stationery Packs: A package for essential school supplies.

7. Additional Charges

  • Field Trips & Events: Fees for special events, excursions, and educational trips.

8. Scholarship Programs

  • Merit-Based Scholarships: For exceptional students, offering partial to full fee concessions.
  • Financial Aid: For families in need of assistance.

Why Choose Dr. A.Q. Khan School System?

  • World-class education with a focus on individual growth.
  • Highly qualified staff and modern learning resources.
  • Extracurricular and sports programs for holistic development.
   6Dr.A.Q.KhanSchool SystemTM AProjectoftheDr.A.Q.KhanEducationSystem Pvt.Ltd.
CapitalCampus a.q khan school fee structure
RegistrationFee(one time)5005001000
ExaminationFeewillbechargedquarterlyatthetime ofExam(400×4 =1600)———-———————-
ClassesMonthly Fee
PlayGroup,Nursery,Kindergarten  6800
Class1sttoClass7th  6800
Class8th,9thand 10th  7200
G-13/4  3000
G-13/3  3000
G-13/2  3100
G-13/1  3100
G-14/4  3300
G-15  4300
H-13  3800
G-12  3200
GolrhaStation  3600
Tarnol  4800


  • Fee bills are required to be paid before due date. A fine of 5%after due date on monthly fee will be charged for late deposit. In case of non-payment by 25th of the same month, the name of the student is liable to be struck off the roll.
  • Aconcessionof20%intuitionfeeisadmissibletobrother(s)sister(s)ofthefirststudentstudyinginthisinstitute.
  • Feedefaultersarenotallowedtotakeanytypeofexamination.
  • Twomonthsfeewillbechargedinadvance.
  • Anyfeesubmittedwillnotberefundable.


  1. DateofBirthCertificate
    1. ParentsCNICcopies
    1. Schoolleavingcertificate
    1. Two(2)recentphotographs(PassportSize)

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