Programs Fee Details – Select from below Tabs
BBA Fee BSCS Fee Psy/Eco/IR/Maths BS Nanosci Bio/Chem /Phy B.Ed Hons
- BBA 4 Years FeeEffective October-2024
- -For Islamabad Campus
- Total Credits126
- Credits for Tuition123
- Admission Fee (Once)Rs 10,000
- Tuition Fee Per Credit HourRs 3,900
- Total Tuition FeeRs 479,700
- Registration FeeRs 6,000
- Total Registration FeeRs 48,000
- Computer Lab FeeRs 48,000
- Security DepositRs 5,000
- Total Fee: Rs 590,700
Payment Option#1:
Monthly Installements
- At the time of Admission
- Admission + SecurityRs 15,000
- 1st InstallmentRs 11,700
- Total On admissionRs 26,700
- Monthly Installment (47 Months)Rs 12,000
Payment Option#2:
Lumpsum for each semester
- At the time of Admission
- First SemesterRs 86,700
- Every Semester (7 Semesters)Rs 72,000
BBA FEE PACKAGE – For Kohat Campus
- BBA 4 Years FeeEffective Sept-2024
- -Kohat Campus
- Total Credits126
- Credits for Tuition123
- Admission Fee (Once)Rs 8,000
- Tuition Fee Per Credit HourRs 1,200
- Total Tuition FeeRs 147,600
- Registration FeeRs 6,000
- Total Registration FeeRs 48,000
- Computer Lab Fee(1500X 8 Sem)Rs 24,000
- Security DepositRs 3,000
- Total Fee:Rs 230,600
Payment Option#1:
Monthly Installements
- At time of AdmissionKohat Campus
- Admission + SecurityRs 11,000
- 1st InstallmentRs 3,400
- Total On admissionRs 14,400
- Monthly Installment (47 Months)Rs 4,600
Payment Option#2:
Lumpsum for each semester
- At time of AdmissionKohat Campus
- First SemesterRs 34,600
- Every Semester (7 Semesters)Rs 28,000
* At the time of admission, selected candidates will be required to deposit fee either under Option 1 or Option 2. Thereafter monthly or semester/quarter fee will be deposited by students every semester/quarter in advance according to the official notification on the notice board.
* The students claiming exemptions from any course or courses, will be required to pay Exemption Fee at the rate Rs. 3,500/- per subject in the beginning of the semester.
* Additional Audio-Video Library Security of Rs 200/- is optional and is required to be deposited only if audio/video materials are issued. This fee is refundable at the end of the program.
* Fees once deposited are not refundable, except security deposits, for any reason whatsoever. All fees are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the University.
* Monthly tuition fee must be paid by the 10th of each month, otherwise fine will be charged as per Preston University policy