The University of Lahore

Department of Software Engineering Fee Structure Fall 2024

Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering                                                      BSSE

CoursesCredit Hours Tuition Fee/Cr. Hr. Tuition Fee/ Semester Enrollment Fee  Examination Fee Medical Diagnostic Charges Societies & Club Fee Total Semester Fee
616           9,700       155,200           3,600           3,600              500           3,000       165,900
617           9,700       164,900           3,600           3,600              500           3,000       175,600
517         10,200       173,400           3,000           3,000              500           3,000       182,900
617         10,200       173,400           3,600           3,600              500           3,000       184,100
618         10,700       192,600           3,600           3,600              500           3,000       203,300
618         10,700       192,600           3,600           3,600              500           3,000       203,300
514         11,200       156,800           3,000           3,000              500           3,000       166,300
413         11,200       145,600           2,400           2,400              500           3,000       153,900
 44130   1,354,500Total Semesters Fee   1,435,300 
    Registeration fee (Payable Once)         20,000 
    Total Fees   1,455,300 

Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence

CoursesCredit Hours Tuition Fee/Cr. Hr. Tuition Fee/ Semester Enrollment Fee  Examination Fee Medical Diagnostic Charges Societies & Club Fee Total Semester Fee
516           9,700       155,200           3,000           3,000              500           3,000       164,700
517           9,700       164,900           3,000           3,000              500           3,000       174,400
619         10,200       193,800           3,600           3,600              500           3,000       204,500
617         10,200       173,400           3,600           3,600              500           3,000       184,100
617         10,700       181,900           3,600           3,600              500           3,000       192,600
618         10,700       192,600           3,600           3,600              500           3,000       203,300
616         11,200       179,200           3,600           3,600              500           3,000       189,900
410         11,200       112,000           2,400           2,400              500           3,000       120,300


    44             130                               1,353,000   Total Semesters Fee                                                    1,433,800

                                                                          Registeration fee (Payable Once)                                       20,000

                                                                          Total Fees                                                                   1,453,800

Master of Science in Software Engineering                                                         MSSE

CoursesCredit Hours Tuition Fee/Cr. Hr. Tuition Fee/ Semester Enrollment Fee  Examination Fee Medical Diagnostic Charges Societies & Club Fee Total Semester Fee
39         11,000         99,000           1,800           1,800              500           3,000       106,100
39         11,000         99,000           1,800           1,800              500           3,000       106,100
26         11,500         69,000           1,200           1,200              500           3,000         74,900
26         11,500         69,000           1,200           1,200              500           3,000         74,900

10                                                                  30         336,000              Total Semesters Fee       362,000 Registeration fee (Payable Once)                      20,000

                                                                          Total Fees                                                                      382,000

Ph.D. in Software Engineering                                                                                DSE

CoursesTotal Credit Hours Tuition Fee/Cr. Hr. Tuition Fee/ Semester Enrollment Fee  Examination Fee Medical Diagnostic Charges Societies & Club Fee Total Semester Fee
412        13,500      162,000           2,400           2,400              500           3,000      170,300
412        13,500      162,000           2,400           2,400              500           3,000      170,300
130        14,500      435,000              600              600              500           3,000      439,700
 954      759,000Total Smesters Fee Registeration fee (Payable Once) Total Fees      780,300         20,000       800,300 

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