The University of Lahore

Department of Pharmacy Fee Structure Fall 2024

Doctor of Pharmacy                                                                                Pharm D

CoursesCredit Hours Tuition Fee/Cr. Hr. Tuition Fee/ Semester Enrollment Fee Examination Fee Medical Diagnostic Charges Societies & Club Fee Total Semester Fee
622          8,800      193,600           4,200             4,200               500           3,000       205,500
520          8,800      176,000           3,500             3,500               500           3,000       186,500
622          9,300      204,600           4,200             4,200               500           3,000       216,500
621          9,300      195,300           4,200             4,200               500           3,000       207,200
520          9,800      196,000           3,500             3,500               500           3,000       206,500
519          9,800      186,200           3,500             3,500               500           3,000       196,700
519        10,300      195,700           3,500             3,500               500           3,000       206,200
519        10,300      195,700           3,500             3,500               500           3,000       206,200
518        10,800      194,400           3,500             3,500               500           3,000       204,900
518        10,800      194,400           3,500             3,500               500           3,000       204,900

53                198                                1,931,900     Total Semesters Fee                                                                2,041,100

                                                                                Registeration fee (Payable Once)                                                20,000

                                                                               Total Fees                                                                                2,061,100

Bachelor of Science Pharmacology and Toxicology                                                BSPT

 CoursesCredit Hours Tuition Fee/Cr. Hr. Tuition Fee/ Semester Enrollment Fee Examination Fee Medical Diagnostic Charges Societies & Club Fee Lab Studies Fee Total Semester Fee
 718          5,400        97,200           4,200             4,200               500           3,000           5,000            114,100
 718          5,400        97,200           4,200             4,200               500           3,000           5,000            114,100
 718          5,800      104,400           4,200             4,200               500           3,000           5,000            121,300
 718          5,800      104,400           4,200             4,200               500           3,000           5,000            121,300
 618          6,200      111,600           3,600             3,600               500           3,000           5,000            127,300
 617          6,200      105,400           3,600             3,600               500           3,000           5,000            121,100
 617          6,600      112,200           3,600             3,600               500           3,000           5,000            127,900
 410          6,600        66,000           2,400             2,400               500           3,000           5,000               79,300
50                134                                    798,400    Total Semesters Fee             926,400 
Registeration fee (Payable Once)                20,000 
Total Fees             946,400 
Master of Philosophy in PharmaceuticsPHRM  
Master of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical ChemistryPHRC  
Master of Philosophy in PharmacognosyPHMG  
Master of Philosophy in Pharmacology Master of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical TechnologyPHMY  
 CoursesCredit Hours Tuition Fee/Cr. Hr. Tuition Fee/ Semester Enrollment Fee Examination Fee Medical Diagnostic Charges Societies & Club Fee Total Semester Fee 
 412        17,500      210,000           2,400             2,400               500           3,000       218,300 
 412        17,500      210,000           2,400             2,400               500           3,000       218,300 
 16        18,500      111,000               600                 600               500           3,000       115,700 

     9               30                                     531,000    Total Semesters Fee                                                                   552,300

                                                                                Registeration fee (Payable Once)                                                20,000

                                                                               Total Fees                                                                                    572,300

The University of Lahore

Department of Pharmacy Fee Structure Fall 2024

Master of Philosophy in Clinical Pharmacy                                             PHCLP

CoursesCredit Hours Tuition Fee/Cr. Hr. Tuition Fee/ Semester Enrollment Fee Examination Fee Medical Diagnostic Charges Societies & Club Fee Total Semester Fee
412        23,000      276,000           2,400             2,400               500           3,000       284,300
412        23,000      276,000           2,400             2,400               500           3,000       284,300
512        25,000      300,000           3,000             3,000               500           3,000       309,500

13                 36                                     852,000    Total Semesters Fee                                                                   878,100

                                                                                Registeration fee (Payable Once)                                                20,000

                                                                               Total Fees                                                                                    898,100

PhD Pharmaceautics  DPCU PhD Pharmaceutical Chemistry          DPCH

CoursesTotal Credit Hours Tuition Fee/Cr. Hr. Tuition Fee/ Semester Enrollment Fee Examination Fee Medical Diagnostic Charges Societies & Club Fee Total Semester Fee
39        19,000     171,000           1,800             1,800               500           3,000      178,100
39        19,000     171,000           1,800             1,800               500           3,000      178,100
130        20,000     600,000               600                 600               500           3,000      604,700

     7               48                                     942,000                            Total Smesters Fee                                              960,900

                                                                                                       Registeration fee (Payable Once)                        20,000

                                                                                                      Total Fees                                                            980,900

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